BRICS and Africa:Numolux International Health Seminar on Malaria
Numolux International Health Seminar on Malaria
Clinical trials are essential to evaluate the safety, efficacy, and outcomes of health interventions such as vaccines and other medical treatments, and ultimately contribute to improving health outcomes.
In September 2021, Sinovac and Numolux launched it’s first Covid paediatric clinical trials, at the Pretoria’s Sefako Makgatho Health Science University. The launch was well received in the media and was supported by the South African Medical Research Council
The Numolux Group is well-positioned to grow its work with existing local and international partners, develop new collaborations and continue medical research for various products, at our network of trial sites across the country.
The Numolux Group and Sinovac are working together on current trials within South Africa and endeavour to do so on many more in the future. We will soon also be partnering with other companies from the BRICS region, and on the African continent.